08 maja, 2011

Pochwała niekonsekwencji

Dziś pracując na Ochocie w pochwale niekonsekwencji zaśmiałam się ponownie nad tym tematem/tytulem (...), kiedy przeczytalam uroczy cytat przywołany przez bloggerke, którą podglądam, bo ma małe dziecko (a ja przeciez lubie podgladac online bliskie i odlegle światy;)

Zatem cytuje:
Callie: When is the best time to have kids?
Bailey: The best time to have kids is never. What? You asked.
Callie: Well, yeah, but--
Bailey: They cry. All the time. Nonstop. They never sleep. They're terrible conversationalists, and they take everything you've got. All your time, all your focus, all your patience, all your sleep. Everything. And you've got nothing left for you.
Callie: Wow.
Bailey: But this morning, little Tucker woke me up by putting his nose up against mine, his cold little nose, and he goes "Wake up", and he got the K sound in wake. Wake up. See, up until today, he'd say D instead of K. "Wade up". Girl, him nailing that K sound...it's the pride I felt, the irrational, unbridled joy. Well, it's at least at good as any whipple. Look, if you're waiting for the perfect time to have kids, you're never gonna have kids.

W gruncie rzeczy, jest w tym jakiś sens i konsekwencja;)

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