18 września, 2014

Scotland ...- tomorrow we should know whether the history is made


Voting has closed in the referendum on Scottish independence.
  • First results are due between 1.30am and 2am BST on Friday 19 September. Remote Orkney – which has the smallest electorate, with 17,515 registered voters – is expected to be the first to declare. Most of the results should come through between 3am and 5am.
  • Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen – home to about 25% of registered voters – will be the last three councils to announce results, between 5am and 6am.
  • The councils will report results to Mary Pitcaithly, the chief counting officer, at the Royal Highland Centre at Ingliston, near Edinburgh.Pitcaithly is expected to announce the final result between 6.30am and 7.30am.
  • British prime minister David Cameron will make a televised address shortly after the results are declared to try to calm the atmosphere whatever the result.
